makers lab 2019
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week 4
week 3
reading week_read about disobedient electronics and was inspired by the boldness of the projects

understood more of the concept of critical design and critical making and also the differences between the two through readings

whats new?
what i have
finished the plotparty from week 2

identified fascinations and made a decision for 3 of them to be explored during maker's lab

made a unlearning manifesto
reflection & collaborative learning
Readingweek was more of a study at home kind of time. So there has not happened a lot in the lab which was closed.

It felt a bit disruptive after all. At the same time it was nice to let the impressions from the previous weeks sink in and reflect on them.

Also the theoretical part, the readings gave some framing to the assignments which are about to come. The overall rebellious and "loud" approach of the presented projects doesn't reflect my personal plans, but we will see where it goes.

The bioplastics workshop was very nice. I tried different recipes with the others. The expertise of the other people being there helped.
reading week
Create a 1 A4 spread of your unlearning manifesto (with 5 bullet points) and post it on your Hotglue page. Read the list often to remind yourself of the things that are important for you to practice and get better at. Let them guide your decisions throughout the course.

Identify 3 fascinations with a material, a technique, a design process, a production method, a societal issue, a type of product, a trend, or other. Create a zine spread of 1 A4 for each fascination, showing and explaining in text and images what the fascination is about and why it tickles you.
fascination 1
fascination 2
fascination 3
bioplastics workshop
1. Experimenting with natual components like flowers, glass and copperwire, which I folded like a animal.

2. Experimenting with stonedust from chimneystones made a nice colour and visual effect
best recipe for getting a good result
tried it with moritz, did not thicken at all, tried second time still not. We followed all instructions.
collaborative learning
workshop space
Moritz and I inspired each other concerning the materials we collected outside. We tried out different recipes, the outcome was nice.